About this speaker

Nicole is IPTPA certified as well as a 5.0 level pickleball player. Coaching is her passion. No matter if you are new to the game, an avid recreational player or an experienced tournament player, Nicole can help you elevate your game to the level of your dreams.

Nicole Havlicek

Owner, PrimeTime Pickleball

As the proud owner of one of the most viewed Youtube channels in all of pickleball, it’s safe to say that Nicole is regarded as an expert in pickleball instruction. To Nicole, strategy has always been a core focus because it stands out as an area where players can gain great results in a short timeframe. With that in mind, Nicole’s presentation is devoted to breaking down the “Top Modern Pickleball Plays For Winning Points At Every Level” so that you can have a clear plan of attack in your games that is known to have a high probability of success.

Nicole is an IPTPA certified pickleball coach as well as a 5.0 level pickleball player. Nicole owns Primetime Pickleball and its associated Youtube Channel. She has a mission of delivering world-class online pickleball instruction in an engaging format all while being very informative in order to help you elevate your game.  

The Youtube channel was the first to reach 100K+ subscribers in the pickleball category and continues to be a leader in the space. Nicole’s passion is helping other passionate players make breakthrough improvements in their game that catapult them to new levels of play and deeper enjoyment of the game.

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High Percentage Pickleball Plays For Winning Points At Every Level

July 15, 2024, 12:00 AM
Nicole Havlicek

The Improvement Panel - Expert Answers to Elevate Your Game

July 19, 2024, 12:00 AM
Dylan Frazier Tony Roig Stephanie Lane Nicole Havlicek Peter C. Scales Josè Derisi CJ Johnson