
About this Exhibitor

Titan was developed by a team of engineers from Nokia, Siemens and Google who were all avid tennis fans and passionate players of the sports. Using their knowledge and expertise, and with the help of international pickleball players, they adapted the machine for pickleball.

In collaboration with top international pickleball players we have designed a machine that outshines the competition.

With over 20 years of research and product development behind them, they set about to develop a premium ball machine that encompassed all the best and innovative features resulting in the all new Titan pickleball machine.

"We are proud of our design team for developing this amazing new ball machine. It encompasses so many features our customers asked for and we believe we have built the best ball machine there is available."

You've seen the rest, now try the best!

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$100 of at Titan

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Take your pickleball game to the next level with Titan.